What a glorious concert! It was a packed house with standing room only and unforgettable performances. The concert theme of AS SEEN ON TV was a blast for singers and audience members alike, with TV songs and jingles from the 50s through today. Nostalgia and singing-along ran rampant throughout the performance, and unexpected commercial breaks added surprise and delight. —And that isn’t even mentioning the unexpected marriage proposal (and acceptance!) that occurred on stage after one of the solo performances. Many congratulations to our two newly engaged choir members!
And looking ahead…
IT’S ABOUT TIME is the theme for our next concert, Saturday January 25, 2014, and it will be at a new location! (Central Presbyterian, our venue of many years, has exciting plans for a full-scale renovation coming up – wonderful in many ways, but it means our next few concerts will be held elsewhere). We are very pleased to announce our new concert venue will be the Unitarian Church of Vancouver, which is at the corner of 49th Ave and Oak Street. It has a bigger concert space so everyone will get a good seat, plus a parking lot and is conveniently on 2 bus lines for easy transportation access. We are very excited, and we hope to see everyone there. Mark your calendars now!