Come one, come all (or at least come the number of people who fit into the Granville Fluevog store – 837 Granville, between Robson and Smithe)! John Fluevog is helping Out in Harmony fundraise! For any merchandise purchased from the Granville Fluevog store on June 20, 2013 between 7 and 9 pm, John Fluevog will donate half the purchase price to Out in Harmony. For serious. HALF. We are calling it the “Out in Harmony Fluevog Fundraising Frenzy”.
OK, I know what you’re thinking. “Surely this is too good to be true.” Well, no it’s not, and don’t call me Shirley. John Fluevog has a long history of being a philanthropist and community-minded guy, and Out in Harmony recognizes a great fundraising opportunity when we see one. Like right now.
Now you’re thinking, “Not only does he make brilliant footwear and accessories, but he also gives money to charity? How can John Fluevog be so stinkin’ awesome?” Honestly, I just. Do. Not. Know.
It this event unbelievable? Yes. It is amazing? YES. Est-ce que c’est incroyable? Mais bien sur, mes amis! We don’t even care if you want to use French so terrible that it makes your grade 10 French teacher cry herself to sleep at night with a bottle of Dubonnet (coughMmeGauthiercough). Just show up to the Granville Fluevog store on June 20 between 7 and 9 pm and buy a pair of the coolest kicks that your eyes have ever seen and your feet have ever felt. You’ll be treating yourself AND helping out a good cause AT THE SAME TIME.
Aside from awesome footwear and accessories for purchase, there might also be some stealthy song singing from the choir, and little snacky and drinky things too. (Malheureusement, il n’y aura pas de Dubonnet, Mme. Gauthier.)
Trust me. It’s going to be fun. If I were you, I’d plan on sticking around for the whole “shoe-bang”…