Did you know that Out in Harmony starts up again soon?
Rehearsals resume on Tuesday, September 10, which is not that far away! I hope you can all join us, including those of you we haven’t seen for a while.
This is a good time to mention Out in Harmony to any of your friends who might like to come out and try singing with us. New folks are welcome at any time, but it’s nice to get right in on the beginning of the new music. (Please also mention that rehearsals are held in a scent-free environment, with no hemp, hazelnuts, guava, bergamot, or menthol. We like for everyone to be able to breathe!)
For those who were around last season (or want to learn some music really quickly!) we’ll be brushing up some of the last season’s music to perform at the AIDS Walk on Sunday, September 22. Mark your calendars now! (We’ll be reviewing this music the last thing in the evening, during the first couple of rehearsals.)
Our January concert, “The 100 Mile Concert”, will feature music written by composers who live within 100 miles of Vancouver. There are a surprising number of them! You can start thinking in advance about possible solo and small group ideas.
Rehearsals are 7:30 – 9:30 Tuesday evenings at St. Margaret’s Cedar Cottage Anglican Church, 1530 East 22nd Ave.
I look forward to seeing you all on September 10!
– Nicola Hamilton