It is hard to belive that August is almost over and the September Startup is about to begin, but the new choir season is just around the corner. The first rehearsal of the 2011-2012 season is Tuesday, September 6th, 7:30-9:45pm at St. Margaret’s Cedar Cottage Anglican Church, 1530 E. 22nd Avenue (at Dumfries, near the corner of Kingsway and Knight), in Vancouver.
Come start your September off right: catch up with old friends, eat snacks, meet new friends, touch base and find out what the choir year is going to look like, and oh yeah, sing! Everyone is welcome: New members, old members, not-sures, friends, etc.
Our first performance will be at the Walk For Life in Stanley Park which is on Sunday September 18th. Therefore the first two choir rehearsals, Sept 6 & Sept 13, will focus musically on preparing the choir to sing in support of the walkers. We’ll learn some fairly quick and easy new music as well as review some music pulled from last year so that we’ll be ready to perform on the 18th. The following Tuesday, September 20th, is the rehearsal when we’ll really start turning our attention to the music for the next big concert, set for January 21st, 2012.
[If you think you might be interested but don’t think you will be able to commit to an entire season, consider joining us for just the next few rehearsals and the Performance on September 18th. OR, if you want to join us but your September is just too hectic, join us after the Walk For Life or whenever you can. We accept new members any time of year.]
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!