OiH is a non-profit arts group incorporated under the Society Act of B.C.
Members determine overall policy at an Annual General Meeting each spring, where they also elect a Board of volunteers who oversee choir administration and finances. The Board meets monthly and meetings are open to all members of the
Society. Meetings are in the evening and generally involve delicious treats.
The 2010-2011 OiH Board members are:
Mo, Board Chair, Alto
Alyx, Vice Chair, Alto
Geoff, Secretary, Tenor
Chris, Member at Large, Bass
Bev, Member at Large, Alto
Liz, Treasurer, Alto
Lauryn, Member at Large, Soprano
Corey, Member at Large, Bass
Nicola Hamilton attends meetings in her capacity as Artistic Director.
Anyone looking to contact the choir or its board can reach us at: outinharmony@gmail.com.