Choir members and all friends of Out In Harmony are invited to join the social butterflies for a second movie this summer. On Friday August 12th Grease with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John is playing and we’ll be there. (Hey, we even know the
music to “We Go Together” ;-)
There will be picnicing starting 6:30 p.m. on the grass close to the Coal Harbour Community Centre. To get there, just keep going towards the water, (Harbour Green Park 480 Broughton Street). The movie itself starts around 8:30 if you’re not able to join us for dinner.
Bring blankets to sit on and sweatshirts as it does get chilly, and nibbles (food of whatever sort, as always with ingredients labelled to help out those will allergies), or just your fabulous selves. Friends, sweeties, prospective choir members and the like are all welcome. We can’t wait to see you there!
More info at: